Saturday, August 8, 2009

GEET Engine: FREE plans

I'm making no claims here, but this has piqued my curiosity.

It is being offered to you for your consideration. You may agree, disagree, be amazed, or scoff at your pleasure.

Some people have claimed that this is simply an attempt at separating the gullible from their money, and that it isn't efficient.

The inventor is giving away the plans for the GEET unit, free.

Seems a little hard to take money from someone when you hand them something free.

Watch the video

Another interview and associated comments can be found here on Gizmodo.

Read this:

Geet Controversy v. fact -- sound concept

If it doesn't work, why the persecution? Read about it here.

Paul Pantone set free from mental hospital after three and a half years. Read more here.

Paul has stated that the best way to get this technology into the hands of the people, is to give it away. Paul Pantone has made plans for both the small engine (up to 20HP) and large engines (vehicles) available FREE.

The man has been forced to relocate to Europe in order to escape further persecution. Download the plans from Geet International. Here's the link:


lysander said...

I can't believe he's still alive. Either this device isn't efficient enough to power cars or for electrical generation OR TPTB know that it's too late in the game to worry about. Catman, do you know anything about that inventor with the water-powered car? The one who, if memory serves me,committed suicide or died in some other implausible fashion? I'll try looking it up.

lysander said...

Sorry, I should have taken the 45 seconds of time that it took to look up the water car inventor. His name is Stanley Meyer and he died in the parking lot of a restaurant in March of 1998. His friends say he was poisoned. Many times before this he claimed he was getting death threats from the usual suspects, ie; big oil and the Government. There is so much conflicting information out there on men like him it makes my brain hurt (which doesn't take much ;)).

Ken said...

...alot of 'inventions',to either increase the longevity,and/or gas mileage of automobiles has been i can think of was a fella who incorporated ceramic components into the engine,sleeves,bearings,plumbing and such,in effect changing the 'internal' lubrication requirements...imagine using 'anti-freeze' as 'motor oil'-would only have to change it every 30 k instead of 3/3...(i can't remember the 'medium' used but you get the picture)...think two stroke,only'll try ro find it and get back later

Mayberry said...

I dunno.... One thing I can say, having been both an automotive and a marine mechanic, is that car engines could be a LOT more efficient. Consider the fact that outboard boat engines pack a lot of power into a tiny package. One reason is that outboards use roller bearings on the crank and rods, versus "oil wedge" journal bearings in automotive engines. This is how those things can run at 5000 RPM all day long with no problems. Being two stroke (mostly, now more four strokes), they have no oil in a crank case to cause "windage", or drag on the rotating assembly. NASCAR uses dry sumps for this reason. The most efficient outboard out there now is Evinrude's E-Tec, which is a high pressure fuel injected two stroke. It also runs cleaner than the four strokes do, with the added benefit of being lighter. A little marine technology in your car would go a looooong way. That's why it's not in your car...

Consider that outboards work ten times harder than an automotive engine. They run at much higher RPM, push very heavy loads through a very dense substance (water), and do it virtually trouble free for thousands of hours between overhauls. About the only maintenance necessary is fuel filter changes, spark plugs every couple hundred hours, and gear case oil change every couple hundred hours, and a new water pump impeller with that. That's it. And that's why we'll never see this stuff in cars....

Don't get me started on gas vs. diesel!!!

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

Always a scare to the PTB, when something truly efficient threatens to be released to the general masses without bilking a profit alongside...

Cygnus MacLlyr said...


Same with some even low-end aviation technology...
Nice points.


Diesel Replacement Parts said...

Not only do I agree with most of the comments left before me, but I also feel greatly attentive to what everyone here is expressing in their comments. Some of you I can say that I truly am able to relate to you, and some just make me wonder if I can ever relate to the way lots of you feel! In some ways it could be happy but if the feeling isn't really in the happiness stage of things then all I can say is I hope the becoming aware part of things does eventually work out for all of us in the end of things.. But alongside this topic, I love it! And it really is great to see a lot of us participating and really putting effort into collaborating one of the best blogs we've yet come to see!

Unknown said...

I can have water in my fuel tank it doesn't mean the engine burns it. This is basically a carburettor The exhaust gas entrains fuels from the water fuel mix vaporises it as it goes up through the heated pipe exhaust gas combination.After the engine runs the water/urine/hokey pokey juice to gasoline ratio would increase as the volatile gasoline gets removed Little water would get into mix, a slight amount would evaporate. Water has been injected directly into engines for years to cool the charge give more power but this would be a lot more than what gets entrained by the exhaust gasses.It may pyrolyze part of the fuel As gasolines/fuels get heated they get cracked into lighter fuel elements including hydrogen Cars were run on wood during the war basically the same the exhaust heat pyrolyzed the wood into a combustible gas.That was allowed to enter the engine with the air bingo combustion This is good news there are lots of suckers to be fleeced :) Ditto the other claims they make fuel turns into a plasma bs, engine fires at top dead center bs the engine fires when its set to fire by the spark plug Quackery preying on a unscientifically gullible public.