I need to clone myself. There isn't enough time to do everything that needs to be done. So, once again I apologize for the dearth of posts.
First, I'd like to say this is for informational purposes only. I'm not encouraging, advocating, instructing, or directing anyone to produce, manufacture, distribute, or use for any purpose these devices.
The M228 fuze is a mystery as far as legality goes. I've seen places on the web that state these are Class 3 devices (Destructive Devices), other places that state you can buy them with proper documentation, and yet others that say they are completely legal because they contain less than 0.25 oz of explosives, but manufacturer's won't sell to the public due to government contract / insurance / legal / liability issues.
Quite frankly, I'm confused as apparently it is legal for people to own smoke, CS and CN grenades. These use fuses similar to the M228. In flashbangs, apparently, the BATF considers the fuze a "serialized device" under the NFA. Flashbang grenades are not legal for private ownership because they contain a sizable amount of explosive. However, the fuzes for FBs are available from Source One Tactical and other places.
So, as confusing as it is to find a definitive article on the legality of grenade fuses, practice or otherwise, approach this subject with caution.
Complete fuze assemblies containing all parts and repair kits containing the striker, striker spring and pivot are available from Guns And Surplus ( I like these guys and am a customer ), Old Sarges Dropzone, and even eBay.
The expended fuze will still have the use primer in place and the body of the fuze will contain the residue of the delay element. The delay element is the mixture ignited by the primer and typically has, in an anti-personnel grenade, a 5 to 7 second burn time before setting off the detonator or igniter.
(to be continued)