If you blog, try this:
Type in your URL with a slight change. Use logspot.com instead of blogspot.com.
For example: www.catmanslitterbox.LOGspot.com.
Someone has been very busy because when I've tried various blog addresses they all seem to refer to the same page.
Interesting, no?
Very Strange indeed!
Lemme try...
I tried "logspot"... and found armageddon...
I tried "FLOGSPOT"... and found... dunno. Heaven, mayhap?
NICE POST, Cat, m'Man!
Hey Cat, would you let Felinae know that there's a problem with her new blog. Ya can't leave comments there. Couldn't get into chat last nite to let her know.
Now who & why would that happen? That's just weird.
I second what SciFi said too about Felinae's blog. We're all pulling for her.
Thanks, folks! I fixed Felinae's comment bug. You can all leave comments now.
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