Saturday, January 17, 2009

Anyone need a job?

Hurry, you have until Feb 22 to apply for this job on an island in the Great Barrier Reef.

You will be paid approximately $100,000, live in a three bedroom home with a pool. You will be provided with airfare, camera and computer equipment, insurance, and transportation between the islands within the reef. There are no qualifications, all you need to apply is create a sixty second video explaining why you'd be ideal for the job.

Your duties will be updating video blogs, photo collections, feeding the fish, collecting the mail, cleaning the pool and making oneself available for media interviews.

Total estimated time per month? A whole 12 hours.

The cool thing is, if the world decides to go Mad Max while you're out there, would you even care?


Bullseye said...

Hell man, put my name in the hat. I'd stay and never come back.

Anonymous said...

It's ok if you only want job security for 6 months, that's all they are offering.

Catman said...

Hey Molly,

$100,000 for a six month vacation? I'd almost be willing to give up my current job.

Anyone who is out of work and is currently freezing their butt off in -40 F weather would probably love the job.

Thanks for coming by! Oh, did you apply? ;-)