Might be something appropriate to pull up to the next Glenn Beck rally at the nation's capitol with.
Military Vehicle Sales
Mostly WWII collector vehicles including Half-Tracks, Scout Cars, Sherman, Grizzly, and Stuart Tanks. Worth a visit just to look at some very nice restored pieces of history.

Khaki Corps

International Repo-Depot

Russian Military
For Recent US military vehicles, parts and supplies:
Government Liquidation
How much ya reckon rounds for that T-80 cost?
I'd like a T-80 in my driveway. Forget the howitzer, I gots me a new love : )
Perfect emergency escape room when the US DEPT of EDUCATION sends their SWAT team to arrest your dog for falsifying his financial aid paperwork.
Those dang dogs have gotten themselves in trouble again.
Seriously, how would they get you out without calling in the military or would that be legal?
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