There's much more room on this new blog layout and I'll be adding stuff. When I do, I'll point it out just in case it is something that interests you.
Below each post, there are some check boxes for you if you're not in the mood to comment but want to leave some kind of feedback.
Also there's a handy button to allow you to e-mail posts to your closest enemies.
You can also use the buttons to post updates to Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, and even post the content to your own blog if you need something but just don't have time to write yourself.
Also, some of our fellow bloggers have ceased writing as you can see from some of the links. I will be updating those as well. If you blog, and want your link here, drop me a note. The e-mail address is down there on the left or in my profile. Those of you who did so recently, I'll get them up during this next week.
I ran across these books out there and thought they might interest some of you. The first one is for you to read just in case you ever meet me in person. Ha! Just kidding!
The other two might help in planning for and understanding some of the dynamics at play in global society, as well as helping you plan for your own personal protection.
Click on the cover to be taken to the download site. Click on the title below the cover to learn more about the book.

Find Out Who's Normal and Who's Not

The new layout looks good. Enjoy your site and keep up the good work. Unk
I need to follow suit and get off my lazy ass and purge my blogroll too. I have links to places that don't even exist anymore, ones that haven't posted in over a year need to go too.
While I'm at it, I'll add you.
Lookin' good Catman.
Thank you, gentlemen! Busted, I'll be adding you as well!
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